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Alfresco Consultancy & Customization

Do you want or need more than is available in teh standard package? Do you need advice with migration, set-up/configuration or implementation? Are you looking for a local install? We’d like to help you with our consultancy services.

We’ve specialised in Alfresco and related applications and tools. Because we exclusively use the open source version, we can modify Alfresco any way you want. Integrate it in your existing IT-platform, or optimize the set-up for the business processes within your organization.

We modify Alfresco in different ways to meet customer’s needs. We see three levels in this process:

  1. Set-up or configuration. We use the built-in tools so that the DMS serves your needs.
  2. Customization. We modify the application or extend it with new functionality. Like extra buttons, scripts, work flows and actions. That makes it possible to make the DMS fit your organization even tighter.
  3. Specialized interface. We create a specialized interface that does exactly what you need to support you processes. This creates the optimum fit.

We primarily use the Community edition for our customers and, hence, are not an Alfresco-partner. We’re one of the few professional parties in The Netherlands that can help you with implementing this version. If necessary, we can support the Enterprise edition. Let’s have a conversation in which we’ll discover together what’s the right version for your organization.

What can we help you with?

Let the Alfresco DMS work for you!

Go for a good set-up and organization specific configuration.

Read more about Alfresco?