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We offer cloud-solutions for SuiteCRM, Alfresco and Storage

To successfully use the applications, it’s important to modify them to fit your needs. We work together with you to get to the best set-up and process definitions. Contact us to plan a meeting. Would you like to try it yourself first, then you can order using the links below:

SuiteCRM | NLCloudOpslag

We offer an extensive list of our own modules and modules from partner, focused on your business needs. A number of these modules is part of our standard SuiteCRM bundles. You can get these modules separately as well.

Creating useful reports and intelligent workflows is an art. We have a lot of experience with this and deliver results fast and effectively. Are you in terested in this? Contact us.

We only work with senior developers (in Europe and off-shore) in projects we manage. Do you need functionality that our default modules don’t support? We develop that cost effectively. We also offer “punch cards”, where you buy a number of ours and use those in the next developments until you’ve spent all hours. If you’re interested, please contact us.

Our CRM SMB bundle contains a number of unique modules mee and we supply two Homepages/Dashboards with every CRM. You can experience them immediately by using the credentials below to log into our demo CRM:

Login as a ales oriented user

Login as a support oriented user

Did the demo make you interested in taking the next step? Please contact us.

Do you prefer hosting the applications yourself?

In addition to our standard services, we also offer remote installation and application support.
To talk about this option, please contact us.

Who we are

We think it’s important that larger and smaller organizations have access to applications that are fit to their needs.

Often, we see organizations in the SMB “drown” in information, but not being able to use that effectively. Or that organizations keep themselves busy with solving returning issues daily, without ever being able to create a permanent solution.

Read about our Mission, Vision and Core Values

Customer oriented

We go for durable relations with our customers.

Pricing / Functionality

Do the work yourself, or have us implement the necessary changes and integrations.

Privacy and security

Only data centers in the Netherlands ans a daily back-up.


All our software is of professional quality.

Start working quickly

Start working on the same day you order.

User friendly

User friendly interfaces with good documentation.

What we do


With the Alfresco DMS you create order in the flow of documents.

A DMS helps you create structure and makes sure your documents follow the determined processes in your organization.

You can check if a document followed the correct procedure and makes version control easy and accessible.


SuiteCRM offers an extensive set of functionality and many options to extend that further.

We build our solutions on the basis SuiteCRM offers. Think about extra functionality like a fully featured reporting tool, workflow manager and an integration with the KvK database.

Do you need more? Than we can help you with further configuration, customizations and integrating with other (cloud)applications.


NLCloudOpslag lets you work with cloud storage in an easy and safe way.

Files sync automatically with your devices (Mobile, PC, Mac). You share them easily with colleagues, customers, friends and others. You can edit documents simultaneously.

All your files are in a datacenter in the Nederlands, owned by a Dutch organization and are as such 100% covered by the Dutch law for data protection and privacy (GDPR). So you don’t have to worry about treaties with US corporations or other tricks that only offer partial and temporary security.

Dutch Cloud

All our services run in Dutch servers in our self managed cloud. That means that we can guarantee where the data is saved en the way the service is built.


We have extensive knowledge of the services we supply. With our consultancy and advising services, we can help you customize and configure those systems even more to your needs.

Service Levels

We provide additionalservice contracts for the services we provide. That goes for both the cloud/SaaS-services we provide and your locally installed services.


If it's necessary to further customize the application to your needs, or do you need an integration with another (cloud) service? We can help you with that.

Recent news

New graphic type: time line

Available for some time already, but never publicly announced. A new chart type is now available in our SuiteCRM SaaS/cloud... read more

News and announcements february 2025

This is an update on what we are working on and what has happened recently.We have opened a suggestion box,... read more

New in NLCloudStorage v30

We recently upgraded NLCloudOpslag to version 30. The following is therefore available immediately.What are the most important innovations?1. You can... read more

Why add Chat to your (WordPress) website?

Without new customers and without satisfied existing customers, you have no business. This means that:The threshold for potential new customers... read more

What do customers say about us?